Welcome to the voices for voices podcasts sponsored by Redwood Living

thank you for joining us today I am Justin Alan Hayes founder and executive

director of Voices for Voices host and humanitarian

you can learn more about voices for voices on Instagram Facebook YouTube and

our website voicesforvoices.org. Voices for Voices is a 501c3 non-profit

charity organization that survives solely on donations so if you're able to

please consider heading over to our website voicesforvoices.org, to help us continue our mission and the goal and dream to help three

billion people over the course of my lifetime and beyond.

Please join me in welcoming today's guest Daniel Henderson thank you for

joining me today we're so excited to have you Daniel for

our audience is in in Cincinnati, Ohio, and he has quite the experience and

and stories to share and it very much fits in with the voices for voices

Mission Vision and wanting to just help people so Daniel thank you for

joining us today and if you want to maybe just start

from the beginning and share a story I know it's going to be very impactful for our audience.

Well thank you for having me Justin and could actually well I guess Rebecca

connected us so but yeah I'm excited to be here and yeah it I don't know I've

in long term recovery from addiction mental health had a traumatic brain injury

TBI actually had drug actually have it in sobriety but yeah I struggled with

just for the time I was a little kid being hyperactive to have its

self-esteem issues and deal with anxiety depression all through uh

Elementary School that it got heightened to Junior High they got really bad and um

high school and a lot of self-esteem and stuff going on and I you know I had girls mess with my head I was in high school I guess and I just turned to drugs and

alcohol and I started cope with my mental health

conditions and some other stuff through that couldn't stop

party I mean I definitely had my fair share of thought don't get me wrong but

by junior year it was like okay I was smoking weed every day I'm not going to school I stopped playing soccer I could have played D1 college what state size for a freshman and sophomore year of you know is bright but grades were like 2.0

so is get bad and then started going through psyched it's steal and body

to get high drug and then just stopped showed up school

started to go through treatment centers and spent a couple days in jail for

stealing a case of corona and I eventually agreed after a couple

treatment centers and several outpatients she had a treatment in California and

got sober out there on March 6, 2015. got everything's great built a life for

myself had a ton of fun living on the west coast for a year and a half from

like 18 to 20 I lived out there that I ended up back in treatment sober

for I was sober, but I got diagnosed with bipolar one

and that and I could see you now looking back at high school all those mood swings and

nomadic depression to the media of just like full of energy that even a sobriety

of I could ride a log board five miles to work surf all day

have a ton of fun to work at eight-hour ten hour restaurant shifted ride five files on a skateboard home and do

it I get it again they get a like very little sleep like three hours of sleep and I could just keep doing that

it sounds bipolar bipolar after I got healthy, I got that treated

it's subtrava I worked through a treatment at Discover Center New Roads

Behavioral Health it's Salt Lake but I got sober at Balboa Horizons of in California great

program all three great programs Life's good I went back to work in the

field of mental health because I started my career in California

and I was it was my day off about hiking and

the ground broke beneath my feet to this dog and I fell with it 200 feet

200 feet off a cliff at Salt Lake City Utah March 30th, 2018.

and it wasn't vertical but it was like in total I was hitting stuff and

whatnot I don't remember any of it by Fred West who was with the

strata search and rescue is the wreck with the right person called Idlewood search rescue came to be

I got Air flighted out of a canyon I broke seven ribs a lot of other stuff two Club

slugs they cut up my chest the side of the road um

to inflate Logs with oxygen

got the helicopter got to the hospital had Cardiac Arrest but I got there at a

stroke they brought me back to life with paddles and chest compressions

because I have a traumatic brain injury a structured it which I've read so

then after I got out of the Kobo basically it was like re-learn everything tie my shoes eat go to the

bathroom I had to relearn how to have a filter which was great I mean I was bored

without one but I guess it got a little worse but now it's pretty much back to normal to what it was which still could

have used to work but when I was bored but I guess that's my personality offbeat such a humor but

yeah you just say anything that comes to your mind at the traumatic braid injury the great thing is you don't get

in trouble when you say inappropriate stuff which is like almost everything that

point but yeah I realized I was gonna be

I re by I fell off the cliff of March 30th 2018. in July I could run I would just Chicago

to surely ride a billy lab in July I was trying to work for my Bible time because my uncle cut calling me a grandma

because I was walking slow and he's a cocky athlete but I'm like dude I just fall off a cliff

so I was like I want to beat your vials, so I started working with Valentine after I was in PT speech at OT all day

all day and then I was like you know I can make a

great story out of this I would have filled my recovery start to speak of treatment centers to show that people

like to stay sober through anything so I did that and then I was like

you know I graduated treatment for a traumatic brain injury I went back home

I was still pretty out of it exhausted all the time I had a couple of seizures due to the traumatic brain injury so I

couldn't drive I also had nobody

no car so I and I believe I've ever he was shot

and I just if you just like spoke with me you could probably tell something was off oh you

might be able to tell now at times like affects there are certain things that are just different

so I bust Stables I got a job next to my parents house bus tables for like three years

while doing building a non-profit and developing

price packages and license licensing and speaking all over the country and

that I got a job doing business development for neuros Behavioral Health

during that time I I still was filming all of my

recovery I was hoping a lot of people traveling over the country speaking

of you it's a great story and I mean I would walk miles to

networking events wow I had no part I really wanted to do this but I also did it for accountability I mean

would have helping people get into treatments and holding them accountable they're like oh I can't make it to a

meeting because I don't have a card it's like drizzling and it's like 30 degrees out bro like yet again

you walked in 10 degrees weather two miles to get heroin I'm sure you could

figure it out so that aspect of starting a business without a car license after falling 200

feet off the cliff while having seizures and taking the bus lifts Ubers and catchy rides or you're riding a bike

and walking it's great for accountability you could definitely call your audition

I have all the excuses to get high but you know I just I made stuff out of it

bad situation so I also wanted to

through entrepreneurship education positive

Community Development such as sober bars creating

opportunities for people like internships that would take

volunteers all the time through my non-profit recovery-wise the connected

to career opportunities to give you recommendations that I could

create opportunity for myself that it worked now my phone rings too much

and I'm exhausted half the time so I just kept at it and um

I got to school of study psychology I just finished my

certified case manager to interventionist certificate I got a lot of CEUs and dialectical

behavioral therapy by certified I certified for Crisis Intervention

prevention it got my professional adult crisis training certificate and now I just I've gave you my drug

and alcohol counselor certificate I think my addiction studies certificate

paid by the state of Ohio because they recognize this wow

and I also have my done some freelance social media

marketing and business development for smaller companies and restaurants

fell into the realm of event planning from take the alcohol to bars putting mocktails in

having silver bars and The Branding the marketing getting the Press bringing people from the country to do stuff

Eddie events my goal since I was born

was to be an entrepreneur whatever I mean this is not just Behavioral Health this these skill sets could translate to

Eddie field so I've already I mean to be a good entrepreneur I always got

to think about how to evolve I think five years ahead be ahead of the competition

someone's gonna disrupt Behavioral Health like lifted Uber did to

taxis so like well with that comes along I might be out of a job

so I've already looked at other aspects of

taking my skill sets for sales and business development it to uh

other fields and thinking about some other companies I want to start up here soon

so yeah that's it's I mean it's amazing I

mean the story of just the traumatic things you've been through your body's been through your mind's been through uh

and I know we've talked previously about you know why you do what you do and it's like well you know what that

that's kind of the choice I have like I don't I I don't have in our choice either don't move forward and

help or all right continue forward for those listening viewing that may

be going through something similar maybe not as with the with the fall in

Utah but you know I was going through high school going through school going through some of those tough times are

there any not tips or tricks but just things that you recognize that maybe

back then that if if you did something a little differently or you talked to somebody is there anything that you

think that would could help someone else that potentially would be in in your position

accepted so don't be ashamed of it like yeah I have a traumatic brain injury

things are different I have to accept that if I don't I would be fighting it up to a battle the rest of my life but

nothing's gonna get better so they kept saying when I was a

treatment for a TBI accommodations

that I went to work for so I do that and I have one but I also worked at a

community mental health at Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services for seven months I was working with a lot of people with

developmental disabilities along with they also had addiction mental health conditions and

I mean they had a hard time conceptually understanding certain things or being on

time or they needed to say very similar accommodations that I do they also had a

lot of times lack of filtered like you know working with people with

disabilities that doing volunteer work with people with TBI at learning and developmental disabilities though

I buy free time like it's really true fighting the right accommodations uh

for you is going to be key my accommodations might be different than yours and that's okay you want to

find it works for you I use Google Calendar so much because it like if you have

Gmail it'll transfer to Eddie if you have internet it'll go over to any

device or data alarms all that I don't disappoint this

that much anymore because of accommodating especially technology

helps wow yeah so how does it make you feel like

when you're helping others when you're helping somebody find treatment go through the program

or even just like having this conversation today like I know for myself it's just very

it makes you feel good because you're talking about things that are important and hopefully resonating with

others and it kind of pumps you up as far as taking you know for

me taking that energy of the drugs and alcohol and putting it to kind of a

good use so how does that how does that make you feel for an individual out there that might be like oh yeah well

like that's not fun you know that yeah I can't have as much fun whether it's

partying or fulfilling what we want to do in in life

is there is there anything that you can share with that kind of like how it makes you feel and how that feeling

is part of what helps you can continue to do what you're doing well I

you know it hasn't been easy five treatment centers three suicide

attempts several psych units a couple days of jail steal a case of beer and follow your

Twitter feed off a cliff three seizures [Music] um

more 80-hour weeks that I would like to count working sub 100 hour weeks

but I I I've accomplished what I wanted to accomplish and I

saw not all of it but a lot of it and now I'm just learning but what I

want to really show is like hey I was that person with the disability I was

the person with the addiction about the health problem but look

I have on the other side of it yeah that doesn't mean I'm cured because these are

product codestions addiction mental health and TBI all chronic

but I've made a life worth living for myself through the advances of science

accommodations work ethic doing the right thing and through a good support system

and I want to be an example to show people that they could do it too

it killed the right route to be smart about their recovery

so they can do that what are the people spent a big day for themselves it since

Daddy throughout the country is Joe Burrow yeah quarterback for the Bengals he

comes from Southeastern Ohio it's ravaged by the opioid epidemic of

poverty and though he'll talk about a lot about um

how he wants to be an example to that Community because he grew up there and he's like look you know

I could have gone down certain routes but

I the quarterback for us to say Bengals switched at the Super Bowl

he's like by age 26. so

I would like to be a powerful example just like that

can you touch on some of the some of the neat people that you mentioned that

Joe Burrow and I and I know there might be some collaboration sometime in the future but through your recovery

your growth your Outreach Community touch on like some of the

cool people that you've been able to touch base with and talk about

things all right well I've met hated Hearst

who's the starting Tight End for the Cincinnati Bengals um

he's actually in recovery I think he's like seven or eight years sober but he's for mental health was his thing and he was

like I just want to quit Ricky too yeah I don't think that was I don't know his whole story but

from what he's told me and his foundation does from his mom they're more primary mental health with like

depression stuff like that but he was super cool to be he's like three times

the size of me he was super cool

yeah his mom is there both down to earth Kathy and Hayden

Kathy runs his foundation that hate Hearst Foundation those are they're really cool people

I met a lady named Donna Pike and she started a sober living

a transitional living called St. Zachary's Haven out you

know Hamilton Township which is north of Cincinnati like 45 minutes

and it's a transitional living with the farming component his face faith-based but they're also

going to drive it with results and science and it's a Christian faith-based

and it's beautiful the bike trail lots of bike trail so it's the little

baby bike trail sits right behind it little baby Rivers right behind it

there's gonna be I mean pretty much like I think a lot of the stuff

you're you eat is what you work on at the farm corporate farming which

you know getting you back to life there might be equine excuse me goats all sorts of cool animals

this could be individualized it's not a treatment center it's a

transitional living with outpatient services so it's like next step to get back to life

with more structures of just breathalies and Peak lead is more like hey let's help

you get those life skills to get back to life get you so why did your savings account teach you to budget get you back

to school get you that job so really well structured transitional load it is a non-profit is free of

charge for everybody who stays there yeah so I bet that oh I bet Elena Layla

pricinger that is a she's been super cool super nice to me

I that said till that was Rick Liam's executive assistant she just left like a

year ago from ladries okay that's the largest restaurant hospitality company in the world

she worked with tilbert Fertitta the CEO a lot so I have uh

developed a high of involvement with restaurants locally and throughout the country to help address the addiction

about the health problem the restaurant hospitality industry

so I was like I want to Landry's probably isn't a place this is program so I've been working on that for a

couple years yeah, I've got one call from Houston they're

corporate headquarters but she's been she broke down corporate and how it all works

yeah so we'll work on that oh Jose Salazar who's the owner of

meters Goose of Elder Salazar and partial order of Daylily with deep

roots coffee and he was the Joe Burrows chef

he's in recovery from addiction he's super nice super cool he has like four

years I think sober donates cash and food to my non-profit

so whatever that's something some food for like mitas or one of his restaurants sometimes

and he's just been super nice he knows a lot of people but if you're cooking for the Cincinnati

we're back and you owed four restaurants in downtown Cincinnati you're gonna know some people so he's

he's got to be connected in the restaurant industry and no throughout Cincinnati which is about a big help

so I as we think kind of just brought a little bit broadly to

take it and kind of that that world view what's your thought on uh

corporations and companies or how are they doing with you know burnout

and being able to just manage they’re their mental health and just with

your experience with what you're doing I know there's a there's a ton of work that needs to needs to be done but just real

interested to get your experience and your thoughts just on that

I just like companies in general yeah

that's where like in case by case basis yeah so if you go into like

one of the reasons why I like I have bus tables at McCormick and Schmidts for like a year because I

was a little still out of it for a brain injury this was like three years out

but I what I went to that restaurant specifically with my restaurant experience I could work anywhere in the

city and then with the events of either news it helps but because they were owed by Landry's

Landry's I mean company culture is excellent management was excellent they made it feel like a

second home they accommodated everything they are with a braided dream every loss working

too much I get tired because the neurological fatigue they made the hours work for me

so if I do a caught me like that is hard candy so like Landry's Kroger Target

I mean all those companies are known for excellent work atmospheres but

there it Halo Workforce

yeah there's High there could be high burnout rates and certain feels special Mental Health

I mean it's hard to find a good treatment center to send your loved one to or to go to personally but to work

out it seems like it's just a sword I burned out not effective care unethical stuff

lack of open-mindedness to change what we're doing is people think may

be working but it's Lots I mean if you look at the numbers on a national level

we did do something different both from a societal government standpoint the way we address these

issues through a clinical from a whole political vocational recreational everything we need to re-look at the way

we're treating addiction from a treatment standpoint and then from a government standpoint in the

United States yeah I know from my experience

and thought it cannot agree with you more with the treatment centers of where to send a loved one

and then more kind of internally of going through my recovery and I love the

way you said it recovery is a process it's not something that like okay

today you're better I'm better and so we can move on and I know

with your loved ones some sometimes you know I've had to battle with that and I'm like okay well you're better now

because you're doing these things it's like well there are days that are much better but overall it's still a

working process and that's kind of my thought with I've thought about you

know going into the mental health care field and potentially being a psychiatrist or a

therapist but I think that at least for me it

just I would bring all those things all those stories home and I kind of feel like I

have enough kind of with myself that it'd be hard to be able to compartmentalize and to

give the help and I and I look at even like you know doctors or people to work at crime scenes you know it's

very specialized work somebody needs to do that but it takes a certain

type of an individual to do that so I just I think knowing where kind of

my Lane is and like okay here here's kind of where I can help and do the best and help the most people but

then pass it off to professionals and try to do the best we can right so what place we might refer might be great this

year and maybe next year management changes and things can change

but that's all we can do is really look at things with the information we have at that given time

yep so if somebody wants to find out more about you how can they find out more

about what you do donate to your non-profit what what's kind of

top of mind that you wanna you wanna share and let people know

so our donation link is donorbox.com Dash recover wisely or you

could just go on our Instagram or Facebook and donate you'll see the donation link on their um

Twitter I should probably get our website back up I've been editing that

but that's now that the Velvet but Facebook Twitter Instagram all the news stories are Instagram on Instagram

we also have a YouTube channel so there's YouTube

and the contact my personal lovers not all those uh

email so you want to get in contact you want to volunteer you need treatments your love with each

treatment you need a job we offer recovery coaching job coaching

career coaching treatment Consulting server companionship transport we'll get on a

plane fly across the country with you to help you get to treatment safely Case

by case depending what it is if we can't handle it we'll refer up to hired power sober escorts is who we like

so that's how you could keep a contacts you follow us

Instagram's probably you'll see everything on Instagram and Facebook all posts from Instagram go over to

Facebook okay so those are probably the best two platforms

great yeah you've talked about you know things that you do locally and then helping It

In Case by case basis if flying across the country with an individual uh

so is what you do it's not just based in Cincinnati that's I mean that's where you're physically based but you help

across the country is that a fair summation yes I help um

across the country I get calls from coast to coast I also do business development in admissions for DeRose

Behavioral Health in Salt Lake City so provide Business Development experience

throughout the years of Behavioral Health to really dependent all your calls from Hawaii to New York Florida Texas

Missouri wherever now for that if that person that

individual that family friend that it looks at your situations like wow

like this is I mean it is it's fascinating it's incredible there's Ebbs and flows there's

obviously low points and high points and what you're doing is it is literally amazing and epic you'll hear the word

epic all the time but this is like this is like a true superhero you

to be able to take the worst of many situations and just

just power through it so somebody out there that might be questioning like

how do I get started what do I what do I do there's you know Daniel's known

so many things how do I get started with whatever that that may be just

that that mentality you have some maybe ideas for somebody that's kind of

in that maybe in in that state of flux that's okay I want to go do something

else I don't know what that is right now but how do I go forward how do I reach out to somebody and have a a

telephone call and you know how do I get my story across or how do I text or uh

how do I get started can you share a little bit about that well if you're trying to get sober or

eventually healthy usually most people aren't stoked at life like hey I'm thrilled right now I should probably get

sober people know each day say that yeah like what do you have to lose if you're

coming out of jail like I was or hopeless or whatever I mean

you don't I mean how much loose they'll navigate the treatment it just I mean

going to an AA meetings one thing but then fire the right Treatment Center is

is hard call what I would say is you could call

me all connection the right people but if you might not always want to

call me but you could put my number in is there an online article or

anything yeah we'll have show notes you could I mean look for the most

ethical Treatment Center a hospital of your area or a therapist or psychiatrist you really try to call them or a

friend that might have connections or is in recovery I asked that what to do there's so much Shady stuff going on

this field it's disgusting and there's a lack of effective treatments cost effect

you treat this so to find the right route for you it could be tough wow yeah and it is with

it's unfortunate to say with any type of business any type of venture there's always you know this snake oil sales of

somebody trying to come in and undercut and to do things and just you know make a buck and not really caring about the

individual about the actual underlying things that that need to be worked on

I know I've been lucky with my with my care team I obviously at the beginning I

was like I hate you I don't like you I don't like you're asking me too many questions you're questioning how I'm

thinking but now that psychiatrist you know five plus years later I tell

them I was like you know like I used I used to not like it he goes all I know he goes that's part of the approach he

said he goes you're very hard-nosed and you know that's the way you get a breakthrough to individuals so while

maybe at the time somebody might not be super happy with an individual uh

some of that might be part of a process that they that they go through and I think I just

I was at such Ground Zero that you know you mentioned the process of

navigating to be seen and then the referral process and then even if you have insurance and you know how the cost

and all these things that that that came out I was like I don't know what else to do like so I don't know

that I can really find another psychiatrist because it's taken me years to like even get to the point to accept

that I needed help so I don't want to go back into that that process of getting a

referral and then you know rehashing everything and I find that's been tough too is about

like the story I've had to switch therapists my one he

retired and so you know that first meeting with that new therapist it's like okay so what brings you to therapy

and it's like okay like can't you just look at all my notes for like the last five years to get like a Baseline and

and that gets exhausting so it doesn't matter where you're at with recovery and that's why I try to tell

people that those things that that's life I mean you're not always going to have the same care team you're not going

to have those same individuals like that that's nice but you know if people are getting older they're going to retire at

some point or they might move away or they might get an illness and and those

types of things just been really hard and so when I I get asked like oh yeah like you're recovered and

and you're you're better it's like well I still have to go through times where I

went eight weeks without seeing a therapist when for many years I was going at a regular regular clip and

you know our bodies would get kind of used to things as as we go through we're like okay like at least for me like I

like a little bit of structure of my body knows every four to six weeks I'm gonna see some see somebody and talk

about things and check medication and that and once it goes longer the it you

can have just as bad a day and start questioning like what what am I doing here like what is it worth it like what

what what's what's life all about and so that that's something that I I found

that the kind goes away with your Mantra just you know you have to just keep going and you have to you don't

really have an option and that's kind of where I'm at too it's like I really don't have an option other than doing what I'm doing because if I don't then

the other options like I might not be here it was just not not a good not a good option

and and then anywhere in between could be an unhealthy State doing more

unhealthy things back to the lifestyle and and I think that's what I try to

share along the lines of used Daniel is just you know what

you use that time and energy and and that passion of what what makes you feel

good and what what's helping you and and I'm sure with you filling filling your schedule up with things that make you

feel good of helping that that that's helpful too you mentioned the Google Calendar so you're you're able to like

not have to worry about keeping everything in your head because that's where I was I was like oh I got this appointment I got this and then it was

like start missing things it's like wait a minute like what's what's going on here and so that's been been huge so

I would also recommend to anybody that hasn't yeah definitely you know check out Google Calendar if you if you

have a Gmail or or a another type of a software that helps you take things that

like should not take a ton of brain power to do like that you just like look

over like once a day or a couple times a day and see what see what's coming up as opposed to taking so much time of like

oh my gosh I I know I have something tomorrow I don't know what it is it in the morning do I have to drive somewhere

do I have to get a ride and those types of things are what I don't say the maybe

the neurotypical the average person's like oh yeah like that's no big deal like I I can do all that

and I don't need any need any help but what I'm finding is that the more

time I can spend doing things that really stretch my mind and

in helping and and putting myself in the organization and helping others and have

this podcast to work with people like you to share your story like this is I

can go like a whole week without doing hardly anything and then come in here and tape a podcast and like things are

just like oh my gosh this is this is why I'm doing what I'm doing this is why uh

other people need to hear stories like like yours because as we all know the

media and politics and there's enough negativity out there that's like yeah like we all go through things but look

at what you know coming out the other side and I like to call like a brand new day that you know the the sun's Rising

on a new day it's like okay how how else can I help what else can I do while I'm

here on Earth like whether you have you know a faith base or not that like

okay what what am I doing what am I what do I want to be remembered as you know do I yeah because you know we we

passed away and even even famous people after years and years and years they they kind of go their names kind of go

kind of get forgotten sometimes so that's something I I've been thinking

of like okay how can I try to create a legacy not just for it myself but like for my family that my my daughter can

look at it and say okay yeah my my dad wasn't just my dad you know he he tried to you know help and and do as much as

he could with with his limitations what would you tell

what do you tell somebody that gets a call for an interview that's never had an interview before like a television

interview or a podcast interview like this where they're nervous they they don't know what to say they don't know

what to cover just from give like maybe a

like a just like a top top list of like obviously like your name and those types of things but if somebody you know gets

that call it's like wow like I don't know what to do like what do I share what's important

ask of practice practice with the friends maybe you Google is great

what you should share like a podcast or something whatever that asks the

person who's interviewing like what's the format but I mean practice just get a Fred or a co-worker

or somebody's headaches the experience with this in practice go for it

it's a I mean especially if you're young it's a great Resume Builder just to say you keep getting quoted Gideon asked to

get a podcast and magazines and newspapers and on the news it look at it

from just doing it to the past couple years is what it really does to everything goes on the internet it

boosts your search Edge optimization for your company and for you personally so if like you look up recover wisely if

you look up Daniel Henderson like addiction or recover wisely or sits out of your Salt Lake or

you'll see news stories and podcasts for like two or three pages of Google which looks great for so you if I don't

want to go to behavior if I want to switch careers is go to Business Development sales and

marketing or just entrepreneurship and I want to work for someone I could say look at this and there's

like 50 different articles that I could boost your SEO and I have all these personal

contacts with press Outlets you don't really have much to lose just

go for it you'll be all right believe it yourself you're capable of worth it you are more capable of that you know

yeah and and all and also the the people that are doing the interviewing they they were at that place at one time too

that they're not where where they're at just overnight that they were you know

in those spots of you know whether it's in class or just get that repetition of

what to talk about the topics to cover and and I think that just remember

and everybody's an individual everybody's a human being like they put their clothes on you know relatively the

same way so that individual is going to understand so I've even and so my first

initial interviews like I would even just say like ah man like I'm super nervous and and the interviewers will

say oh don't worry about it just take your time if don't worry if you screw up everybody

screws up like it's not it's not the end of the world like I was where you were and and just like you said just go

for it that maybe four if you have maybe a five minute segment and four of those five

minutes are great who cares about that other minute like if there was something that was flubbed or missed or

mispronounced the website.org setup.com or or something

like that don't worry about it there's gonna be other times that you're

gonna be be asked and I think that you Daniel or I can't say no you're

definitely an inspiration to your inspiration to to me to to continue what what I'm doing and I so much look

forward to being able to collaborate in the future with with you and the

work that you do and and we we had some conversations about different things

with golf tournaments and being able to meet people on and interview people and

I I just want to again just like publicly like thank you for you know introductions and and being able to uh

to have that because it's it's it's it's important and I think that goes to show

a lot about someone's character that you're willing to say okay yeah like here's XYZ like reach out to them see

what happens and and go from there and that's been super helpful to to me so

Wes from Rock to recovery

yeah he I was going to interview him when I was out in LA but he had his

his big his big event on December 11th and so he's going to come on the

podcast he's like yeah I'm down I just I can't do it when you're in town but and so like that's huge like to have

somebody that organization that has that type of just musical experience and and

and just out of the blue get the text and it's like yeah like this is cool and

but I think it comes to you know how how it came about that you know phone

numbers usually aren't just randomly like handed out that there's it's usually like a a channel an individual

that go through so I say oh yeah Daniel it and then it just starts starts clicking so I can't thank you enough for

for for that because that's been I mean I was nervous I wanted to talk about like somebody being nervous reach

it out like that was me Emily oh my gosh like do I attack us up do I call do like

how do I do it and it's like taking me back did he call me day Walker

he did it he did he's a Ginger from South Park that's what I called it oh

Horizons I've known him since I was sober oh my God so that's where his company started rock to recovery he read

by Rock to recovery groups because he was like dealing with running it at that time it was well uh

so he he calls me daywalker like when I called about the blue like I got his

number and he I was like hey Wes is Daniel from he's like oh hey what's up there

yeah so yeah I know he's he's super nice he's

cool he's he's a good person to have he knows definitely a lot of people of

influence he's a entrepreneur just The Branding of

Rockford recovery and what they're doing is great

they work with TBI now people with braided juice because music's great for the brain yeah the first I had said a

cover was to music it heightens braid activity wow any tiny particular type of music or

just music in general I don't really know yeah mine was the idiom I don't

I don't know that's what I was told I don't remember anything yeah

awesome is so we're closing in kind of on our our time together today is

there anything we we didn't cover that you wanna cover we got a couple minutes if you want

just follow recover wisely State Zachary's Haven

and New Roads Behavioral Health I describe Facebook Twitter and states it

recover wisely is wisely recovery on Twitter fantastic

well thank you again for for joining us today super I say super I'm just just

floored and happy to be able to talk to somebody like like yourself that's doing

what you're doing that's been through things it's just it's a breath of fresh air to like there's there's good

people in the world there are good people out there doing good things and and I'm just excited to be able to share

your your voice with not just the northeast Ohio audience but I mean go on

go on global with our with our social media channels as well and transcripts

and again talk about the search engine optimization of linking names with organizations and and with different

media and podcasts that it's it's it's helpful and I I I just can't thank

you enough so I want to thank you again for for joining us today and we'll uh

we'll definitely be be in touch also where does this air you said this

air is other places yeah so this is going to air Hudson public

television so the the Hudson City area and then it'll be on our YouTube so

the same exact file gets uploaded there we'll have the captions and then

we'll have the transcripts as well to included with the files so depending on

how how somebody needs to see it or hear it or view it that they they have that that option so once yeah once we get

the air date for for the TV station here then everything kind of Falls in

after that so I'll so it'll be it'll be in in January

one when we'll when it'll be aired and and I'll give you all the links

and and obviously audio as well so it'll be on all the platforms Apple Google

Spotify so it's not Eric right now it'll be edited well I'm not going to edit it I

mean I'll put like a beginning screen and an end screen but yeah like it's yeah we're live now but it's not live

going like to the feed yeah yeah yeah great you said England or something

yeah are we we're having a guest next week from one yeah she's in she's in London so it's gonna yeah it's it's

crazy it's the the interest that we're getting and then organizations

that are finding out more more about it and going over to this format is is just huge to be able to get in the

studio and to do some something the I I think it's I think it's fun

to fun to do and it gives everybody gives everybody that opportunity to again just share your voice say

hey here's things I've been through here's things I'm doing find out more about me get in touch volunteer

yeah did I said you granted Novak sober no

not Brandon was it sure have you called Ken Seeley with uh

interview 911 and the TV show intervention I texted him he says he lives in Hawaii now so I'm going to try

to get him on zoos and I reached out to Selena's agent

didn't hear anything back uh

thank you appreciate it and I'm going to reach out to Hayden Hayden's mom as well

I've been under the weather and traveling so I that was one person I haven't been able to reach out to yet

but looking at doing his foundation in Jacksonville and

getting him on after the season and not too nasty about that and not yet

I I need to just have that introduction text she was put on the purchase

of people that I haven't been able to reach out to yet oh good so I'll either do it today on

Friday or on Monday is when I'll do to reach out to

cool super good Hayden's actually injured I'm not sure if he's going to be back to the game oh okay

I forgot what you did but she's they're super nice down to earth they

don't care that he plays the Bengals nothing but she

they know a lot of people wow like she's good friends with Michael Phelps so

yeah, it's it yeah that's amazing I mean just people doing good things they

tend to want to know more people that they're doing good things

yep, okay yep well, I'm going to finish off the with the

the closing script and if you want to hang on here for a minute and then we

can chat for a second and great

thank you for joining us for this episode of the voices for voices podcast

thank you also to our Guest Daniel Henderson for spending some time with us

until next time I am Justin Alan Hayes founder and executive director of Voices

for Voices host and humanitarian until next time have a great day and be a

voice for yourself or somebody in need [Music] [Applause]

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#sleep #nutrition #nontoxicpeople #foofighters #davegrohl #davidgrohl
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Episode 26, Founder, Justin Alan Hayes Answers Questions from The Voices for Voices Mailbag


Episode 24 with Guests, Pat and Helen Hayes